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January 30, 2024 11:31

Shorena Shaverdashvili Summarises the Activities of Media Academy at TMI Conference

The TV audience measuring firm Tri Media Intelligence (TMI), which is the official licensing partner of global industry leaders KANTAR in Georgia, held an annual meeting, which was attended by representatives of the Communications Commission and the ComCom Media Academy together with other partners. The main goal of the conference was to share experience regarding the current challenges in the field of media and innovations. 

During the meeting, Head of the Media Academy Shorena Shaverdashvili introduced the activities of the Academy to the participants and talked about the areas through which the Academy improves the media standards in the country. Specifically, the Media Critic platform of the Media Academy serves to inform the public and offer a critical analysis of media products. Ms Shaverdashvili emphasised that more than 400 articles, blogs and reviews have been published on the Media Critic website. “Another important area is our Media School, which allows media employees and people interested in this field to obtain important knowledge and experience with the help of professional trainers and online masterclasses. Last year, the Media School programme had more than 100 participants, while the Media Academy Masterclass includes lectures by 14 professional authors,” Shorena Shaverdashvili stated, before proceeding to summarise the activities of the Media Lab: “The Media Lab continues to actively work on developing digital literacy and supporting digital media startups through training, workspace, the appropriate startup ecosystem and various competitions.” 

For more than four years, the Media Academy has been working to develop media standards in the country and raise the qualifications of people interested in this field.


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